The program aims to strengthen religious organizations by expanding their organizational and management skills to create sustainable and effective structures that can promote social development and cooperation with small communities. The program will run from 2019 to 2020.

The objectives of the program are: 

  1. Strengthening the institutional capacity of religious organizations to expand their role in social development.
  2. Development of professional and leadership skills of leaders of religious organizations.
  3. Supporting religious organizations in their involvement in local community development processes.

Key areas of activity include:

Training program for religious organizations representatives:

  • Training modules. Courses in organizational management, business management, administration, financial management, and human resources management.
  • Practical component. Each module includes practical exercises aimed at applying theoretical knowledge in real-world conditions.

Mentoring program PORADA:

  • Organizational development. Mentoring support for sustainable development aimed at improving internal processes and strategies in religious organizations.

Online training program:

  • Digital platform. Development and delivery of online courses and webinars on the Sitplatform platform, covering a wide range of topics necessary for the modern management of religious organizations.