The stagnation of Ukraine’s rural areas continues to be a cause for concern due to high unemployment, population decline, and the closure of local businesses. The loss of jobs and the outflow of young people lead to social exclusion and poverty, increasing the need for social and economic revitalization of these areas.

The program aims to recover rural areas by developing social entrepreneurship, supporting local initiatives, and strengthening community self-organization. This includes creating sustainable jobs and improving the living standards of local people. The program runs from 2021 to 2023.

Program objectives:

  1. Strengthening local parishes. Development of leadership and organizational skills among religious leaders, which will contribute to their active participation in social change.
  2. Social entrepreneurship development. Creating and supporting initiatives that ensure the sustainability of existing and new social enterprises.
  3. Support for small farmers. Development of small agricultural enterprises, which can become a catalyst for the economic development of the region.
  4. Community engagement. Involvement of residents in managing the development of their territories, including through cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The program consists of the following components:

  • Training for priests. A five-module training program covering strategic planning, leadership, fundraising, economic development, and government relations.
  • Acceleration program. Training and mentoring support for developing and running social enterprises aimed at solving local problems.
  • Grant support. Competitions for funding to develop new and support existing social enterprises.
  • Education for farmers. Specialized training in production, marketing and sales aimed at increasing the competitiveness of small farms.
  • Online program of social innovations. Development of courses and information events to strengthen professional skills in the field of social entrepreneurship.
  • Ongoing technical support. Providing expert assistance for the sustainable development of social enterprises.
  • Advocacy campaign. Preparation and distribution of information materials emphasizing the importance of the social economy for rural areas.